Rome, the capital of Italy, is a bustling, densely-populated city with 2.9 million residents.
Rome, the capital of Italy, is a bustling, densely-populated city with 2.9 million residents.
Via Traversa del Grillo
00060 Castelnuovo di Porto
Rome’s diversified economy is driven by government, services, high-technology, construction and especially tourism. Rome ranks 14th among the world’s cities for attracting tourism, with 8.8 million visitors in 2015.
Rome’s logistics market is driven by consumption. But Rome, which is located several miles inland from the Mediterranean Sea on the Tiber River, is an active arena for national and international logistics and distribution. Rome’s main airport, Fiumicino, is Italy’s second-largest cargo hub. In 2015, the airport handled 46.3 million passengers and 154,000 tons of cargo.
The ancient port of Civitavecchia, updated for the 21st century, is a significant shipping center and a hub for intermodal logistics. Each year, the port, situated some 50 miles from Rome, handles more than 300,000 TEUs of cargo.
Prologis has available warehouses in Rome and operates industrial properties throughout the Rome area.
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