In early 2012, Kris Edwards, property manager in Portland, Oregon, saw an opportunity to better serve her customers and increase energy efficiency for her portfolio of properties by upgrading to LED lighting. Kris envisioned a brighter future long before the rest of the industry headed in the same direction.
Lighting is one of the largest electrical loads in a distribution center, and exterior LED lighting has the potential to reduce energy consumption and electric bills by more than 50 percent, yielding a rapid payback on the investment. In addition, the long lifespan of LED fixtures reduces lighting-related maintenance needs, thereby simplifying property operations. Kris recognized that these savings would benefit the environment as well as her customers’ bottom lines. Although it would take effort, it was an opportunity she couldn’t ignore.
In partnership with a local electrical contractor, Kris secured rebate dollars to help offset costs and spearheaded an exterior lighting upgrade to LED for all of Prologis’ properties in Portland. This significant project—with objectives to cut costs, reduce environmental impacts and capitalize on a new and efficient technology—started in 2012 and was completed in 2013. Thanks to creative thinking and a strong partnership, Prologis upgraded 800 exterior fixtures in the Portland portfolio. In addition to saving money on electricity and realizing environmental benefits, customers appreciate that the light provided by LED fixtures is more consistent and even.
Kris’ successful project received much attention and many accolades. At a national meeting for property managers, she shared her knowledge and enthusiasm for LED lighting with her colleagues. In early 2016, following Kris’ lead and with strong executive support, Prologis made LED lighting standard for all new development and future lighting retrofit projects across the Americas.