Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen (DGNB), the German Sustainable Building Council, assesses buildings and urban districts based on their commitment to sustainability. Going beyond the three-pillar model of environment, social and governance, the DGNB system covers all aspects of sustainable development, measuring over 50 criteria that span environmental, sociocultural/functional, technology, processes and site. The system gives equal weight to economic and ecological criteria. Assessments are always based on the entire lifecycle of the building, with primary focus on the well-being of the building’s end user. DGNB grants certification based on the overall performance of a building. Based on the degree to which DGNB performance requirements are met, the council awards a bronze, silver, gold or platinum certificate. Buildings are eligible for pre-certification in the planning phase.
At Prologis, we consistently meet and exceed recognized sustainable development standards to deliver best-in-class projects that enable more efficient customer operations and enhance the local community. Prologis has been developing properties for DGNB certification since 2011. All new development in Germany is subject to the DGNB-certification process.